February 16, 2025


Appreciate your health

Improve Self Confidence – 5 Tips to Supercharge Your Self Confidence

Even though you feel alright most days, I bet you’re ready for your life to explode into rainbows and stars. Like the Skittles commercial says, you want to “taste the rainbow” and take control of your life.

So what’s holding you back?

What do you need to do to take your life from “What Have You Done for Me Lately” to “Living La Vida Loco?”

Here are my 5 suggestions to create the confidence & swag you’re looking to achieve:

1. Celebrate yourself.

If you want to be sure of yourself, you have to trust yourself. The only way to trust yourself is to learn what and who you are from the inside out. For example, do you know what kind of dressing you like on your salad, what’s your favorite source of entertainment, or what type of music do you like? These may seem like simple questions now, but wait until someone you like starts asking them and you can’t even remember your own name. Spend time learning and celebrating who you are, then you’ll be ready to take on the world.

2. Get in Shape.

Body image is one of the main reasons why people stop interacting with one another. If you don’t like the way you look, change it. You’re not going to take charge of your life if you don’t like the package it’s in, so get moving. Start small. Walk in place for different intervals of time. When you reach 30 minute intervals, get some dumbbells and a good fitness magazine and start practicing the at-home exercise routines. You’ll build more confidence as your body continues to get more fit.

3. Be Assertive, not Aggressive.

Being assertive is being certain and positive, while being aggressive means being offensive and hostile. If you want a surefire way to build your backbone; make decisions that you’re willing to defend no matter what the consequences. Don’t go after people in a provoking manner, but make sure they know where you stand and what you expect.

4. Create your Destiny.

Your life is determined by the thoughts you have, the experiences you go through, and the decisions you make. Therefore, set your thoughts on conquering the dreams that keep you awake at night. Set goals to achieve your dreams and to get what you want out of life. Everything you dream about is obtainable, you just have to put your mind, body and soul into making your visions a reality. You can do it.

5. Be Faithful.

By faithful, I mean to believe in yourself and your Creator. Believe that you have the power inside of you to reach greatness as long as you never give up on yourself. You are a unique person, created to do things that no one else can do but you. When your life is over you want to believe that it meant something to you and your loved ones. You want to know that your service was not in vain, so keep believing in yourself, no matter what happens in your life. Always trust in the power within you.

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